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My dear:

This is a dear John letter.

Not all break up, because love disappear or transfer.

Dear, just two days ago, you break up with me again, just because I didn't hear what you repeated twice.

Do you know? Whenever you say break up, what I see in your eyes is not for the life tired, more is not devoid of light of hope, on the contrary, I see a desire, a few times in your eyes even beaming thrilled and excited. I know that you are looking forward to me for losing your burst of sorrow and hysteria, rubbing their hands inside of you to wait for the arrival of this moment, to let you believe how much I love you.

So, break up, for you, is not even boring trick, but in between you and me will regularly on love drama, is a make you enjoy and satisfy feeling feast.

Dear, I'm really tired, for you endless questions and test, to give you endless love problem.

Every time when I face difficult or tired, and you will say I already do not love you, or I am old, have love.

I am willing to give everything for you, but not in this way.

I love you. But we have different understanding of love and pursuit. You worship that agitate paranoid love, so always hopes to love go twists and turns, go is blurred, with a series of earth-shattering story, with overdraw the life consumption and pay, with incomparable sadness to prove that love, interprets the love.

But for me, love is not the case. Love is not between life and death, not emotion and reason of the problem, not for a person to give up all other valuable thing in the world the courage of life. Love, is just a simple idea, is want to and a person together, is a little caring to separate a few days later, is to think of each other heart light faint scent, that's all.

Yes, love should be a kind of additive, it should be because it give everything, and should not deprive the rest of the life for it's right to exist. Love, should be a kind, generous, good luck. And should not be harsh, domineering, bad luck.

A small example. And I together of the time, you always want to do something, and I see a movie together, or play games, if I want to a person to do something, you will not happy. But I think, love, not to let each other to become the leading role of you all the time in your life, instead, is to let each other become indispensable background - not in their life together what to do, but as long as there is you, I can be at ease to do anything more.

I think love is light, transparent and simple.

And what do you think of love, is heavy, obscure and complex.

I never want to test you, because I trust you, but because I think love is a common thing in the world, even if you make a mistake, or at some point temperature down to my love, I can accept it. Because I want to understand love of the imperfect.

But you always alert, and even set up artificial barriers to test me, sometimes I think love beyond the love you love me, you just want to put my refined into a perfect love story.

Dear, I'm sorry, in you mentioned several times after break up, this time it's my turn to break up. I am not anger, nor retaliation. I just love is minimalist, the perfection of socialist don't match with you. I am not old, is not love, in fact I than you more eager to love, so I need more like oasis crystal clear love to moisten my throat and heart quickly, and you need is a fruit juice, need that kind of sweet greasy, gorgeous drinks to decorate your life, unfortunately, fruit juice for me, already not quench thirst.

Dear, I want to insipid love, don't need a moment rink hijinks tao lung, teary-eyed. Maybe some love like a storm, and some love is like the drizzle, if can only choose a, I would choose the latter, because the storm will destroy everything, after a storm, everything will disappear. And rain can run things in silence, this is the dark forces. Perhaps many years later, I have no grand or poignant love story to tell, but every time I felt the love, that's enough. About the astounding, sentimental love story, when I had an audience.

I will remember for you through the tears, I will remember you brilliant smiling face. Please forgive me, it's not that I don't want to wait you grew up or change slowly, but I don't want to change, would you like I don't want to give up the simple love, maybe you will also have been reluctant to give up simply make the gods cry of love. After all, our life will be a lot of people love, not everyone is used to go all my life. We accompany each other for a long, leave some memories, leaving some comprehension, that is the whole of the existence and you'll find it.

So, my dear, here, this letter, and our love.



please allow me the last time so call you! When you see this letter I've been on a trip back home because I know I never has no chance to say these two words with you, this is the last letter I wrote to you, at this moment my heart ached, but for the sake of your choice, I still want to write this letter brimming with tears. In you leave me these two days I thought a lot also understand a lot, I find you just want to keep you mean there is no other hope you don't want to wrong, as you said in the monitor our family you I can assure you that there is absolutely no, right now I will never in bother you.

I wish you would give me the last time we have the opportunity to, until the morning, and I said you let me understand the lost love, many people know that the lost love is hard to turn back! But even in together also can't be like before, because I love you, I still choose no longer entwine you, maybe I just a traveler in your life! I hope the afterlife I door will continue to this period of bitter love! Perhaps this love should be sweet, then think about it. Many things are all my own ignorance of mistakes... but I really don't want to break up with you, I know I am a bad temper. Countless times and quarrel with you, in order to little things can be a little absurd, looking back now forget it, all over now everything in the past with the wind. Forget may be a good thing! Hope everyone happy even break up will break up, I know this is easier said than done. It's hard to do! When I think about being with you together happy tears can strike down. Let it gone, lost love heart let time slowly wound it forget perhaps very difficult, but I will learn to slowly try! I hope one day, I really can really learn, instead of sad. Meeting you was fate of traction, leave you may be hit the doomed, perhaps the fate will become more! The past sweet aftertaste now can only use crying instead, everything can only cause destruction in miss yourself!

With all my happiness and hope to be with you is nearly eight months, many others did not experience the pain.. We have learned. Again the injustice of the deepest heart, tears of failure, is a very simple word love to over. Maybe I have to break up to you to say, maybe I don't believe that we have come to an end; But your rude words made me sad, maybe everybody is sad, but I think it's time we say break up to you. Today we finally have the courage to face the regret of the past, I have the courage to face you should be, in addition to regret in the face of such result can only say that I don't know about you. I think with you together of days is happy and happy, is you let me know what call love? How to care about a person, love a person? How to be a good boyfriend? How to make a girlfriend happy? All this is all you taught me, thank you for let me know the many, many I did not know and done before, in my memory, you also once many times said broke up with me, how many times we are through the tears, in retrospect, also many times with you quarrel, I am really sorry you, let you involvement, let every time you are very pain, also let your character became mania and throw things, I know in your eyes I was a child grow up is not mature, because of my ignorance and immaturity for heart and tired.

Maybe I said promise, for you never not achieve them, but for me I have to go to do, but not a commitment to achieve two or three days, after all, the relationship to the future happiness, and may also be because our personality are caused by the impatient, has already passed, however, will not start again from today, because you are tired, tired you should let go, have a word, love you will make you happy, you and I can't find happiness together, only leave you let you find happiness in the heart, this is also one of the biggest cost love, though you find happiness is no longer I, but I still want to bless you, hope you later life happy happy, also wish you good health! If love a person is so silently selfless dedication, whether spiritual or material, all I want, that is why I will change my position, for the sake of your happiness, I will accept, because the reality is cruel, love is selfish!

Damage is inevitable. I am a boy, don't want to liabilities more reluctant to carry debt, so I don't want to see you sacrifice their all stay with me, do you think is in love me, but you forget that I love you too, don't want to see you more sacrifice. Leave only heard silence, in addition to silence to leave you I still have what choice? There is a love called to give up in the world and fall in love with you is a wrong, but I have no regret. It is good to have memories with you my life. I will be happy, so you rest assured, because my life's biggest sorrow is away from you, again sad again difficult?

Take good care of yourself, if you forget me you will happy, so forget me, don't blame you, you always like a child let me love and chi, now that I can't give you happiness, so I have to let go hold your hand, my can let you go looking for happiness... Baby, again say to you that the two profound words, it could also be the last time I have ever told you so, I'm gone...


Dear John,

I have been seriously looking back upon our relationship and getting very clear on what I need and desire out of a relationship.

The conclusion I have come to is that we are too different in both our personality and our desired lifestyles to be able to successfully live together with joy, bliss, good communication, and interaction.

This is not about you or about me “winning or losing”, or about one of us being wrong -- it is about two ways of being... which do not fulfill each other, or go together. Though I had been open to having you visit with the thought that possibly we could 'try' again, after thinking about it a lot, I realize that it is not a good idea. I am very clear that we are not the 'right' people for each other at this time in our lives.

Please forgive yourself, and me, for any 'mistakes' we made along the way... and remember that we both have grown immensely through being together... but the time has come to move on.

So basically what I am saying is that I would like to 'cancel' my invitation for you to visit. I feel at this time, that I need to move on with my life, and having you come and visit would not serve any positive purpose. You need to accept that this relationship is over and open yourself up to receiving the blessings of the universe...

I think we both need to let go of the past, be grateful for what we had for a time, learn from our experiences, and move on from there.

Dearest John, we have been through a lot together... I have a learned a lot about myself, as you have learnt a lot about yourself. At this point, we are both ready to graduate to the next level in a relationship...What we have learned, whether while we were together, or whether after, through looking back on how we 'operated' together, will serve us in our future relationships.

It has been my experience, that all relationships that end are simply opening the door to another level of joy, and a better relationship built on what we have learnt in the past. So I know and trust that there is someone out there who will support you in your growth while loving you exactly the way you are... which is something that we were not doing for each other. I constantly judged and criticized you, in the same manner that you judged and criticized me... Out there is the perfect person for you that will love you and not find a single thing to criticize about you in the same way that you will not find a single thing to criticize about them... You will accept her as she is, even while seeing that she is not “perfect”.

Do not see this as losing something, but rather as having gained knowledge and wisdom... Everything that you learned from us being together, as well as from us being separated, you will be able to put in practice in your next relationship to avoid the traps that we got into.

EVERYTHING ALWAYS WORKS OUT FOR THE BEST, and this is no exception. Trust in yourself, trust in the Universe, trust in the power of Love that rules our lives. Please don’t get into feeling sorry for yourself and wanting to 'end it all'. Rather, thank God for the learning experience, and ask for the openness to recognize the blessings in your life. They are there... open yourself up to being you, accepting yourself completely without judgment, and loving yourself unconditionally.

I wish you joy, I wish you happiness, I wish you heaven on earth. Please trust in yourself and the Universe enough to take some deep breaths, and start looking to find and create joy in your life. It is there... simply step out and claim it.

Blessings to you... Be the light!


亲爱的,这是我第一次,也是最后一次给你写信了。因为写完这封信,我将要离开你。亲爱的,还记得我们是怎么认识的吗?那时候刚刚失恋的你总是彻夜 难眠,在网上遇见了陪室友刷夜的我。是,我承认是我傻,明知道你深爱着已为人妇的她,却依然无可救药地恋上你。可是如果感情是说控制就能控制的,那还 有什么珍贵之处呢?

亲爱的,你还记得吗?你第一次说爱我的时候,我慌张的表情,欣喜的眼神。是的,我欣喜若狂,我以为我的付出,终于等到了你的回应。虽然,这回应有些 被动。亲爱的,你知道吗?其实,我真的很羡慕她。

就算她背叛了你们的感情,嫁做他人妇,就算她婚后仍自私地不许你交任何女友,就算她嫁到国外,却还对 你说,我依然会回来找你之类的任性语言,就算她做任何无理的事情,你都将一 切视为理所当然,并且爱她如昔。

亲爱的,你知道吗?其实我不喜欢你抽烟并不是因为我有支气管炎,对烟味 过敏,会喘不过气, 而是因为你身体不太好, 我怕你这样剧烈地吸烟会有损健康。

就像我不喜欢你玩魔兽并不是因为你没时间陪我,而是因为一晚八小时地呆在电 脑前,没有正常的睡眠,身体会垮掉。你可以不明白这些,但是,请不要在我为 此流泪或者生气的时候,责备我太任性,并反复拿我和她做对比。因为爱她,所以她再无理取闹也是对的,而我再怎么做,都是错。





























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