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I’m not a coward girl any more

How time flies. After three years gains with pains in junior high school, now I’m so proud that I’m not a coward girl any more.①

Still I remember the first PE lesson when I stood alone in the playground, not daring to② come towards anybody to play with them. I was so coward! That night, Mum encouraged me to greet everyone the next day. Hard as it was to me, ③I tried and got warm responses surprisingly! From then on, I always remind myself not to think negatively before I try. ④Like magic, my courage has brought me good friends, third prize on Campus Speech Contest and even a chance to give a speech in Shanghai Children’s Art


With the courage, I’m confident to greet the challenge ahead in life.⑤ (117)

Ø 内容分析

本篇开放话题,写一下自己成长进步的故事。类似话题同学们应该非常熟悉,如中考作文“Growing pains and gains”,中考作文”I am proud of myself’’, 以及我们中考冲刺班上写过的题目 “I’d like to say goodbye to…. ”。例子应该不难想,如何用清晰简练的语言将成长经历记叙清楚并得出有意义的.结论才是重点。所以语言组织上需多斟酌。

Ø 精彩亮点分析

l 亮点一: 首段感叹句+表语从句,精干开场点题。

l 亮点二:现在分词not daring(不敢),一句话说清楚当年是如何coward(胆小)的。

l 亮点三:Hard as it was to me as引导让步状语从句倒装句,强调勇敢迈出第一步对于我之难!

l 亮点四:善用before状语从句,表达能更地道。

l 亮点五:从coward到confident,一句话点明对我的积极影响,升华主题。

l 亮点六:文中一些小词如come towards, like magic, ahead等的准确添加让传情达意更进准。





1.习近平总 书 记指出:“我们国家的名称,我们各级国家机关的名称,都冠以‘人民’的称号,这是我们对中国社会主义政权的基本定位”。由此可见,在我国人民是国家。

A. 领导者

B. 主人翁

C. 先锋队

2. 10月1日,新中国以二场盛大阅兵庆祝70岁生日。70年前的开国大典阅兵,受阅装备95%是从战场上缴获的,而此次阅兵的“大国重器”——东风-5B核导弹、东风-41核导弹……全部为国产现役主战装备。这集中体现了我国军队建设坚持。

A. 党的领导

B. 依法治军

C. 科技强军

3. 初至年底,我国持续开展为期三年的扫黑除恶专项斗争。扫黑除恶的目的是。

A. 强化政权的专政职能 B. 保障国家的长治久安 C. 营造发展的和平环境

4. 203月15日上午,第十三届全国人民代表大会第二次会议表决通过了20国民经济和社会发展计划执行情况与年国民经济和社会发展计划的决议。这是全国人大行使。

A. 最高决定权

B. 最高立法权

C. 最高监督权

5. 在我国国家机构体系中,人民代表大会是国家权力机关,其它国家机关都由它产生,对它负责,受它监督。不同国家机关分别行使着不同的职能。其中专门职能是从事法律监督的国家机关是。

A. 监察委员会

B. 人民法院

C. 人民检察院

6. 2019年10月21日至25日,全国政协文化文史和学习委员会组织部分全国政协委员和专业文艺工作者,到广西壮族自治区考察基层公共文化建设并与广西壮族自治区政协联合开展“送文化下基层”活动。这是人民政协。

A. 履行参政议政职能 B. 推动精神文明建设 C. 推进协商民主建设

7. 2019年11月14日,习近平在金砖国家领导人第十一次会议上发表重要讲话,强调“全球化时代,不应该是一部分人反对另一部分人,而应该是所有人造福所有人。”这反映出我国倡导。

A. 促进世界格局多极化

B. 构建人类命运共同体

C. 形成国际政治新秩序

8. 国家统计局发布的新中国成立70周年经济社会发展成就报告显示,新中国成立70年来,我国服务业规模日益壮大,已经由昔日处于辅助和从属地位跃升为中国经济第一大产业。由此可见我国。

A. 国民经济基础稳固 B. 经济体制日益完善 C. 经济结构不断优化

9. 劳动者依法维权的途径很多,其中属于法定必经程序的是。

A. 协商

B. 调解

C. 仲裁

10. 2019年是农村厕所革命整村落实奖补政策的第一年,中央财政拿出70亿元推进农村厕所革命,全年有1200多万户农村厕所完成改造。此举可以有效提升农村居民的。

A. 消费观念

B. 消费水平

C. 生活质量

11. 国家市场监管总局发布《保健食品标注警示用语指南》明确规定,自2020年1月起,在产品最小包装物的主要展示版面上设置警示区,明确标注“保健食品不是药物,不能代替药物治疗疾病”警示语。此举意在保护消费者的。

A. 知情权 B. 安全权 C. 受尊重权

12. 老张有一笔闲置养老金,想选择收益好、风险较小的项目投资,你建议其选择【 】。

A. 银行储蓄

B. 购买股票

C. 购买国债

13. 为了支持实体经济的发展,国家可以适时运用存款准备金率、利率等手段,引导金融机构扩大信贷投放,降低贷款成本,精准有效支持实体经济。可以起到上述作用的举措是。

A. 提高存款准备金率、下调存贷款利率

B. 下调存款准备金率、下调存贷款利率

C. 提高存款准备金率、提高存贷款利率


A. 辩证唯物主义的认识路线

B. 用矛盾的观点观察和分析问题

C. 从抽象上升到具体的思维方法

15. “惟自古不谋万世者,不足谋一时;不谋全局者,不足谋一域”——(清)陈澹然《寤言·迁都建藩议》。陈澹然的上述名言强调了。

A. 整体是由部分组成的

B. 整体和部分相互景细匈

C. 整体处于统帅的决定地位

16. 中共中央、国务院印发的《新时代公民道德建设实施纲要》,强调要推动全民道德素质和社会文明程度达到一个新高度,必须要加强公民道德建设的工作力度,持之以恒、久久为功。这是因为。

A. 内因是事物变化的根据

B. 量变是质变的必要准备

C. 世界是相互联系的整体


17. 党的十八届四中全会提出“建立基层立法联系点制度,推进立法精细化”。 自7月至今,上海市人大常委会首批设立的十个基层立法联系点累计提交立法建议近条,参与全国性法律、地方性法规制定和修改工作,各联系点平均就每件法规草案提出了17.4项建议。建立基层立法联系点制度可以。

A. 广泛集中人民智慧,推进科学立法

B. 全面普及法律知识,促进全民守法

C. 便于公民政治参与,实现民主权利

18. 宋代画竹名师文与可为了画好竹子,他屋前屋后种满竹子,不管春夏秋冬,不管刮风下雨,常年注意观察竹子的变化,对竹子的生长习性、形态有透彻的了解。苏轼赞之“故画竹,必先得成竹于胸中”。这一故事说明意识。

A. 是物质世界长期发展的产物 B. 是人脑对物质世界的能动反映

C. 就其来源和内容来说是客观的

19. 2019年世界很多国家爆发了非洲猪瘟疫情。2019年10月l8日,我国科学家首次解析出正在困扰各国的非洲猪瘟病毒颗粒精细三维结构,该成果将为开发相关疫苗奠定坚实基础,对推动非洲猪瘟防控产生重要影响。人类防控猪瘟疫情的过程表明。

A. 实践是认识发展的动力和目的

B. 意识对事物发展起促进作用

C. 意识通过实践活动反作用于客观事物

20. 我们的很多制度创新,都是来自群众首创。“枫桥经验”形成独特的矛盾调解机制,小岗村的“红手印”按出了联产承包责任制,广东蛇口“杀出一条血路来”推开经济特区制度的大门……这启示我们。

A. 人民群众是社会变革的决定力量

B. 人民群众是国家政权的领导力量

C. 要树立以人民为中心的发展理念


21. 中国共产党从19成立之初党员人数为50多人的小党,发展成今天的世界上第一大政党,截至年12月31日,中国共产党党员总数为9059.4万名,各行各业的党员分属于461.0万个中国共产党基层组织。
























22. 一穗玉米的“逆袭”




































































21. (1)中国共产党的领导地位是由党的先进性决定的。中国共产党是中国工人阶级的先锋队,同时是中国人民和中华民族的先锋队,正是由于其先进性才使中国共产党吸引力、凝聚力、战斗力不断增强,70年的发展成长为世界第一大党;中国共产党作为执政党,九千多万具有先进性的中国共产党党员来自各行各业,分属于461万个基层党组织,通过严密的组织领导,保证党的政治领导和思想领导的实施;九千多万党员发挥聪明才智和先锋模范作用,可以保证正确路线方针政策的制定和执行,从而成为中国特色社会主义事业取得成功的根本保障。



22. 答案示例:








Dear Sara,

As we drove off from Columbia,I wanted to write a letter to you to tell you all that is on my mind.First,I want to tell you how proud we are.Getting into Columbia College shows what a great well-rounded student you are.Your academic,artistic,and social skills have truly blossomed in the last few years.Whether it is getting the highest grade in mathematics,completing your elegant fashion design,successfully selling your painted running shoes,or becoming one of the top speakers in Model United Nations,you have become a talented and accomplished young woman.You should be as proud of yourself as we are.

College will be the most important years in your life.It is in college that you will truly discover what learning is about.This will be the period where you go from teacher-taught to master-inspired,after which you must become self-learner.So do take each subject seriously,and even if what you learn isn’t critical for your life,the skills of learning will be important to you forever.

Follow your passion in college.Take courses you think you will enjoy.Don’t be trapped in what others think or say.Do your best in classes,but don’t let pressure get to you.Your mother and I have no expectations for your grades.If you graduate and learn something in your four years,we would feel happy.So please don’t give yourself pressure.

I told your mom I’m writing this letter,and asked what she wanted me to say.She thought and said:“Just ask her to take care of herself.”Please listen to your mother and take care of yourself.

So please treasure your college years,make the best of your free time,and become an independent thinker;learn and grow through your successes and challenges.


Dad(& Mom)

21.Sara’performance in the last few years makes his parents ____________.

A.annoyed B.proud C.upset D.concerned

22.What did Father mainly write about in Paragraph 2 ?

A.Learning skills. B.College courses.

C.Learning attitude. D.Ways of self-learning.

23.What do we know about Morn and Dad from the letter?

A.They expect too much of Sara.

B.They put lots of pressure on Sara.

C.They love their daughter very much.

D.They advise Sara to make more friends.


Christmas in the United States is traditionally a time of gift-giving and family gatherings.But small towns across the country have their own traditions.

Middleburg,a small town in the state of Virginia,is known for its horses.For more than 50 years,Middleburg has organized a yearly Christmas parade(游行).Men and women ride horses through the woods and fields.They follow hunting dogs as they search for a wild fox.But first,these hunters ride in the yearly parade,wearing their bright red hunting clothes and hats.

John Hale,a citizen of Middleburg says many city people visit his town.“We have a lot of people from an urban area that come to visit,but it incorporates a lot of the o1d traditions.” The nighttime hay ride is one such tradition.Small groups gather under the moonlight on an open wagon filled with hay.The passengers sing as farm horses pull the wagon slowly across the fields.

There are some newer traditions,too.Trey Matheu works at the nearby Salamander Resort.He says a visit to Middleburg is a chance to slow down for a day.He says Middleburg can be a calming,peaceful place without tension.

“Middleburg is an opportunity to take a step back,to take a deep breath,and understand that even though life is moving on at a very fast pace,there’s really an opportunity where you’re allowed to step off for a little bit.”

Parade organizers say more than 13,000 people attend even in below-freezing weather. But if you ask,you will hear many different reasons why people come to watch the parade:

“I come here because I’m from a small town. I like how everybody comes together.”“I live right down that street;right there.And that’s my dog.”

Middleburg looks its best at Christmastime.That may be why so many people return each year.

24.Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A.Middleburg Christmas parade

B.A small town known for horses

C.Christmas traditions in Middleburg

D. Newer traditions at Christmastime

25.At Christmas,people in Middleburg usually ___________.

A.visit friends and families

B.feed farm horses with hay

C.hunt for dogs in the woods

D.ride in the yearly parade

26.According to Trey Matheu,why do people visit Middleburg?

A.To relax themselves.

B.To enjoy the fresh air.

C.To escape competition.

D.To challenge themselves.

27.What do we know about the small town Middleburg?

A.It makes a large profit from tourism.

B.It attracts many people each year.

C.It is a good place for family gatherings.

D.It doesn’t respect Christmas traditions.


Building a company website is one of the most important parts of creating a successful business.But designing a website can be time consuming and expensive.Web designers are difficult to,work with,and even though you’re paying them.There are cheaper ways to establish your company online,and Wix.com stands out among them.

Wix.com offers free HTML5 and Flash website design that you can do on your own,without having to pay for a pricey web designer.With unlimited space for as many pages as you want,customized looks,photo galleries,and blog platform capabilities,social networking buttons,Wix has everything a business of any size needs to make an impact online.You get full control over what information fills in the blanks,and you don’t have to know a thing about HTML to make this work.The way your website looks says a lot about your company.Wix does that,and it does it for free.Another thing that makes Wix the most affordable option in creating a website is that you don’t have to pay for a separate web host—every page created on Wix is hosted on Wix,free of charge.

The Internet is the marketplace of ideas:your company needs to share what you think.If you think just because you don’t sell a product online you don’t need a website,you’re dead wrong.No matter what kind of business you have,if you want to reach an audience,you want to have a website that speaks to people.Wix lets you do that as quickly and easily as possible for free.

If you have a bigger budget,Wix has more options than just the free website design. You can choose to upgrade(升级)to the ad-less version which won’t fill up your customer’s screens when they visit your site.But if the most important thing to you is getting your company’s name online right now,try Wix.com today.

28.Wix.com is meant to _____________.

A.sell products on the Internet

B.attract more customers online

C.build a company’s website cheap

D.collect any possible information

29.What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?

A.Ways of finding free service.

B.Advantages of Wix.com.

C.Skills of creating websites.

D.Tricks of running a company.

30.If you create a company website on Wix,you ____________.

A.have to be a good web designer

B.won’t do it easily and quickly

C.can share ideas with customers

D.must upgrade to the ad-less version

31.What’s the purpose of the text?

A.To teach a budget lesson.

B.To make an advertisement.

C.To present a website design.

D.To introduce a new business.


If you think that running marathons will help you live a long and healthy life,new research may come as a shock.According to a recent scientific study,people who do a very strenuous workout are as likely to die as people who do no exercise at all.

Scientists in Denmark have been studying over 1,000 joggers and non-joggers for 12 years.The death rates from the sample group indicate that people who jog at a moderate pace two or three times a week for less than two and a half hours in total are least likely to die.The best speed to jog at was found to be about 5 miles per hour.The research suggests that people who jog more than three times a week or at higher speeds of over 7 mph die at the same rate as non-joggers.The scientists think that this is because strenuous exercise causes structural changes to the heart and arteries(动脉).Over time,this can cause serious injuries.

Peter Schnohr,a researcher in Copenhagen,said,“If your goal is to decrease risk of death and improve life expectancy,jogging a few times a week at a moderate pace is a good strategy.Anything more is not just unnecessary,and it may be harmful.”

The implications of this are that moderate forms of exercise such as tai chi,yoga and brisk walking may be better for us than“iron man”events,triathlons and long-distance running and cycling.According to Jacob Louis Marott,another researcher involved in the study,“You don’t actually have to do that much to have a good impact on your health.And perhaps you shouldn’t actually do too much”.

32.The underlined word“strenuous”in Paragraph l is closest in meaning to“___________”.

A.hard B.regular

C.practical D.flexible

33.The author presents some figures in Paragraph 2 to ___________.

A.suggest giving up jogging

B.show risks of doing sports

C.provide supportive evidence

D.introduce the research process

34.According to the scientists,why is too much exercise harmful?

A.It may injure the heart and arteries.

B.It can make the body tired out.

C.It will bring much pressure.

D.It consumes too much energy.

35.What can be inferred from the text?

A.No exercise at all is the best choice.

B.More exercise means a healthier life.

C.Marathons runners are least likely to die.

D.Proper exercise contributes to good health.



You think you know your dog. 36 She probably recognizes you when she sees you.But can a dog tell by simply looking at you whether you have a happy or an angry expression on your face?Researchers in Austria have taught pet dogs to know the difference.

37 When dog owners shout or speak in a strong,sharp voice,dogs often act guilty and quietly move away from the area.

Recently,researchers found that dogs can look at our faces,and tell the difference between a smile and a frown.The animals were able to recognize a look of approval from one of disapproval.Researchers at the University of Veterinary Medicine performed a series of experiments. 38 They showed the dogs two pictures of either the upper or lower half of a person’s face.On one picture,the person looked happy.The other appeared angry.The dogs were then shown images of the eyes or mouths of people they had never seen before.

39 Once the dogs learned to recognize which image was happy or angry,they could easily identify the same expressions in pictures of any face.Future studies will try to show whether dogs can learn the meaning of facial expressions. 40

The researchers’findings were published in the journal Current Biology.They provide the first solid evidence that humans are not the only species that can read the body language of another species.

A.Dogs are very aware of sound.

B.Dogs have feelings just as you do.

C.But how well does your dog know you?

D.They were also shown the left half of the faces used in training.

E.Some dogs are very unhappy when they are left alone for a long time.

F.They taught dogs to recognize facial expressions.

G.For example,whether a frown shows that someone is angry.

第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


Mr.Jackson was blind from birth.He owned a fruit 41 on a very busy street. 42 he was visually disabled,he ran his business pretty handsomely.He could see nothing and he could only 43 the things within his reach. 44 ,he was able to handle it and was content with everything he had.

One day his son came to him.He told Mr.Jackson in 45 that he read in the newspaper of a 46 who could operate on his eyes and allow him to see.The father and son traveled to the doctor and paid for the 47 .

After the operation,the doctor asked Mr.Jackson:“What is the first thing you are 48 to see when I take the bandages off?”He replied,“I really want to see my beautiful 49 on my stand!”

The doctor and the son 50 Mr.Jackson down to the busy street where his fruit stand had been located for so many years.The doctor 51 unwrapped the bandages 52 he could lay his eyes on the beautiful fruit!Mr.Jackson was so full of 53 that he could finally see his life’s work—taking care of his fruit!After a few hours of 54 his beautiful fiuit stand, he looked down the street both ways and saw there were quite a few fruit stands in both directions.He looked 55 the street and saw many other fruit stands.He spent so much time looking at other people’s fruit stands and 56 the competition that soon his own business 57 .

From Mr.Jackson’s failure,we should know that everyone is a 58 individual with different fingerprints,DNA and thinking.What we need to do is just be ourselves and 59 everyone else to be who they are.Mind our own business and we should never be afraid of 60 .

41.A.stand B.company C.store D.center

42.A.Because B.As C.Although D.When

43.A.remember B.describe C.imagine D.feel

44.A.Therefore B.However C.Otherwise D.Besides

45.A.pride B.doubt C.excitement D.surprise

46.A.doctor B.nurse C.chemist D.volunteer

47.A.information B.medicine C.service D.operation

48.A.nervous B.1ucky C.eager D.afraid

49.A.flowers B.vegetables C.fruit D.clothing

50.A.sent B.accompanied C.followed D.invited

51.A.suddenly B.curiously C.carefully D.firmly

52.A.so that B.in case C.even if D.if only

53.A.regret B.joy C.courage D.relief

54.A.enjoying B.checking C.judging D.making

55.A.above B.within C.through D.across

56.A.preparing for B.focusing on C.worrying about D.taking up

57.A.improved B.failed C.appeared D.expanded

58.A.simple B.reliable C.unique D.perfect

59.A.force B.require C.persuade D.allow

60.A.competitions B.changes C.differences D.disabilities



Observers say Americans want more choices and fresh food when 61 (choose)where and what to eat.This trend is one reason why the fast food restaurant McDonald’s has struggled financially.

McDonald’s is one of the best-known 62 (restaurant)in the U.S.and even around the world, 63 these days the company leaders are seeing numbers they probably do not like.In the last quarter of ,McDonald’s income dropped by about$300 million.The January earnings report brought more bad news.Worldwide sales dropped for the 64 (eight)month in a row and even more than expected.

McDonald’s is 65 (work)hard to get their customers back.In January,the company ran an advertisement during the Super Bowl.The football game is the most watched TV event every year in the U.S.McDonald’s has wanted 66 (reach)those viewers.

Shake Shack is 67 new kind of restaurant becoming popular in the U.S.The restaurants are not“fast food.” They are known as“fast casual.” 68 McDonald’s is struggling to get their customers back,Shake Shack is doing well financially.The New York-based burger chain had a very 69 (success)IPO,or initial public offering,of shares at the end of January. 70 its first day of trading,Shake Shack went from $21 a share to just under $ 46 a share.

Shake Shack’s a quality hamburger.It’s fast food,but not‘fast food’food.”Being part of the“fast casual”trend has helped Shake Shack.


There are still many problems of environmental protection in recent years. One of the most serious problems is the serious pollution of air, water and soil. the polluted air does great harm to people's health. The polluted water causes diseases and death. What is more, vegetation had been greatly reduced with the rapid growth of modern cities.

To protect the environment, governments of many countries have done a lot. Legislative steps have been introduced to control air pollution, to protect the forest and sea resources and to stop any environmental pollution. Therefore, governments are playing the most important role in the environmental protection today.

In my opinion, to protect environment, the government must take even more concrete measures. First, it should let people fully realize the importance of environmental protection through education. Second, much more efforts should be made to put the population planning policy into practice, because more people means more people means more pollution. Finally, those who destroy the environment intentionally should be severely punished. We should let them know that destroying environment means destroying mankind themselves.



My Memory About Christmas Day

Christmas Day is on December 25th, though it originated in the western country, now it is popular around the world. In China, people will spend that day happily, they will eat apples on Christmas Eve, the children will put the socks so that they could get the presents from Santa Claus. When I went to college, I had an unforgettable memory about my first Christmas Day.


As my major is English, I have many foreign teachers, so that I could have access to the local culture from them. Christmas Day is a big day for them, when the day came, they asked us to spend the day with them, because most of them left home and did not have families around. My classmates and I went to the foreign teacher’s home at that day, we brought some presents, when we arrived at his house, we found a beautiful tree with shinning lights. My teachers taught us how to cook all the cookies, we were having such great fun. I made the cookies with many favors. We talked happily and sung Christmas songs.


I learned how the foreign people spend their big day, it was such unforgettable for me.



My best friend

My best friend is Xiao Yi. She has short hair. She has two big eyes and a small mouth. She is tall and thin. She lives on the tenth floor of a tall building. There are five people in her family.

Xiao Yi likes to do sports. She likes to play badminton and volley ball. Her favourite color is pink. Her favorite food is fish and vegetables, because they are healthy. Her hobby is reading books and riding a bike. She often plays the computer or goes shopping on the weekend. Sometimes we go to KFC together. We go there by car.

I like my best friend—XiaoYi. We are good friends





I’m a dog lover, because dogs are tame, friendly and easy to communicate with. I have kept one in my house, whose name is Chocolate. She is covered with brown curly hair and looks like a Teddy Bear. Now we have been living together for two years, so I’m very familiar with her characteristics. When she is hungry, she often barks loudly. At that time, I begin to realize that it’s time to feed her. She is keen on beef and fish. Sometimes, she also eats some rice.


Every day when I come home, she always jumps up to me happily, with her tail moving. She seems to be my best friend. As time goes by, the relationship between us becomes closer and closer. Therefore, I think her as an important member in my family. I really have the pleasure of her company.












参考范文:(a  sample version by Yoohoo, 126 words)

We  have recently held a class meeting to discuss the pressure upon everyone of us  Senior Three students. At the meeting everyone expressed their own opinions on  how to get relieved from pressure.

Pressure  comes from all around: from the heavy load of learning, from the fierce  competition, from teachers, and from parents. Pressure may affect our studies if  there’s too much of it. However, if taken positively, a certain amount of  pressure may help push us ahead.

Whenever  I find there’s too much pressure, I choose to work out or listen to some light  music, which seems to be quite effective. There are many approaches to getting  oneself relieved when pressure accumulates. I strongly recommend that when you  feel much too stressed, you stop whatever you are doing, get out into the open,  take a deep breath, and start thinking of something positive.

I  am very disappointed not to be able to go to see a film with my friends, to play  my favorite musical instrument, or to watch TV with my family in the evening. I  have to sit at desk and do my homework, which can not be finished until  midnight, I'm tired of doing much homework, get bored at taking so many exams,  and lose interest in studying.

Teachers,  please get rid of homework and examinations. Examinations are nothing but  anxiety-makers. Homework is nothing but interest-killers.

Teachers,  we can learn more outside the classroom. Classroom gives us limited kinds of  information. We can only learn some dead knowledge from the books.Teachers,  please set us free, and let us learn more outside the classroom

from  the environment, from TV, from private study or from our friends.

My  dear teachers, can you hear me? Please lighten the burden on students.


We  are now living in a common home. That is the earth. She provides us with enough  food, enough water and enough living room. So we must do everything to protect  her. There are lots of big or small, red or green, beautiful gardens around us  .But there are still some other lands bare of grasses or trees on the earth.

Some  people may ask why not led all lands covered with trees, flowers and grasses?  Why not prevent the lands from being desert? Why not prevent the air from being  polluted? And why not prevent the earth from being poisoned? Yes! Our  environment is being polluted faster than nature and man’s efforts can prevent.  Time is bring us more people, and more people will bring us more industry. So  many trees will be cut down, and more large cities will be set up. Lots of waste  material, in return, is produced and harms the environment. So some experts  declare that the balance of nature is being destroyed. The survival of man is in  danger.

We  feel really sad about it. What can we do to solve this problem? We must forbid  cutting down trees and forbid killing animals and pouring waste water into  rivers and so on. We’ll never destroy the balance of nature. Let’s get along  well with all animals. Let the trees, flowers and grasses come back to our home.  Because we have only one home --- the earth.





Cultural tourism

With the development of living standards, going out to have a tourism is becoming a part of our life. But at the same time, uncivilized behaviors in tourism are frequently happening. So cultural tourism has became a hot topic in the society.

Especially in vacations, phenomena of uncivilized behavior in parks or museums everywhere. Even in foreign countries, our Chinese citizens still do naturally, it seriously affected our country's image. Of course, it has caused bad loss in ancient buildings and antiquities and our environments. So it's urgent to advocate to have a cultural tourism.

Firstly, we should keep in mind the sense of protecting the environment. And when we have a tourism, we had better watch out the warning words carefully and then obey the rules. For the sake of ourselves and our country, let's do some meaningful things for cultural tourism.



Imagine a typical student named Lucy that has to get up early to attend extra courses on weekends. First, she went to Pudong to have a skectching lesson. Then, she has to ride the car back to Songjiang to attend a music course. Hours were spent on transportation, but she only learn few things. We all have experiences like that. Transportation between places wastes much time and we should avoid them. Today, we're going to talk about why it's such a big problem and the possible solutions to it.

Firstly, a huge amount of people's time was spent on transporting. According to velaction.com, citizens spend one-fourth of thier time in average on tranportation. This lower our efficiency and the knowledge we could learn. Secondly, transportation makes children bored and unhappy. According to nationalexpresstransit.com, long periods of transportation may have impact on students' memory and arithemetric. Again, this makes us learn less things in the same amount of time, not more.

The best solution to this problem is to learn more online at home. Firstly, we can schedule our own learning at home. According to mindtools.com, students can manage their study time as they want and they can be more effective when learning. This lets us improve our efficiency and learn how to manage our time. Secondly, we can just stay at home and waste no more time on transportation.

In conclusion, if we study online, we can improve our learning efficiency the most. Online courses also have a advantage because it's cheaper and it have proffesional teachers. More and more students will choose to learn online in the future.


colloquial  speech often passes into standard speech. some slang also passes into standard  speech, but other slang expressions enjoy momentary popularity followed by  obscurity. in some cases, the majority never accepts certain slang phrases but  nevertheless retains them in their collective memories. every generation seems  to require its own set of words to describe familiar objects and events.it has  been pointed out by a number of linguists that three cultural conditions are  necessary for the creation of a large body of slang expressions. first, the  introduction and acceptance of new objects and situations in the society;  second, a diverse population with a large number of subgroups; third,  association among the subgroups and the majority population.

finally,  it is worth noting that the terms “standard” “colloquial” and “slang” exist only  as abstract labels for scholars who study language. only a tiny number of the  speakers of any language will be aware that they are using colloquial or slang  expressions. most speakers of english will, during appropriate situations,  select and use all three types of expressions.


With the development of living standards, going out to have a tourism is becoming a part of our life. But at the same time, uncivilized behaviors in tourism are frequently happening. So cultural tourism has became a hot topic in the society.

Especially in vacations, phenomena of uncivilized behavior in parks or museums everywhere. Even in foreign countries, our Chinese citizens still do naturally, it seriously affected our country's image. Of course, it has caused bad loss in ancient buildings and antiquities and our environments. So it's urgent to advocate to have a cultural tourism.

Firstly, we should keep in mind the sense of protecting the environment. And when we have a tourism, we had better watch out the warning words carefully and then obey the rules. For the sake of ourselves and our country, let's do some meaningful things for cultural tourism.



My Low-carbon Life

The environmental pollution is worse and worsetoday. Many trees are cut down, and water and air are polluted. As a student Itry to have a low-carbon life to save energy and reduce pollution.

Firstly, I often walk to school. It can reduceair pollution. Secondly, I always turn off the lights and fans when leaving theclassroom. Thirdly, I always make full use of paper and other school things andnever waste water.

I wish more students to join me and make theearth more and more beautiful.


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