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雅思阅读动植物类真题:The Pearl

The Pearl


Throughout history, pearls have held a unique presence within the wealthy

and powerful. For instance, the pearl was the favored gem of the wealthy

during the Roman Empire. This gift from the sea had been brought back from

the orient by the Roman conquests. Roman women wore pearls to bed so

they could be reminded of their wealth immediately upon waking up. Before

jewelers learned to cut gems, the pearl was of greater value than the diamond.

In the Orient and Persia Empire, pearls were ground into powders to cure

anything from heart disease to epilepsy, with possible aphrodisiac uses as well.

Pearls were once considered an exclusive privilege for royalty. A law in 1612

drawn up by the Duke of Saxony prohibited the wearing of pearls by nobility,

professors, doctors or their wives in an effort to further distinguish royal

appearance. American Indians also used freshwater pearls from the Mississippi

River as decorations and jewelry.


There are essentially three types of pearls: natural, cultured and imitation. A

natural pearl (often called an Oriental pearl) forms when an irritant, such as

a piece of sand, works its way into a particular species of oyster, mussel, or

clam. As a defense mechanism, the mollusk secretes a fluid to coat the irritant.

Layer upon layer of this coating is deposited on the irritant until a lustrous

pearl is formed.


The only difference natural pearls and cultured pearls is that the irritant is

a surgically implanted bead or piece of shell called Mother of Pearl. Often,

these shells are ground oyster shells that are worth

significant amounts of money in their own right as

irritant-catalysts for quality pearls. The resulting

core is, much larger than in a natural pearl. Yet,

as long as there are enough layers of nacre (the

secreted fluid covering the irritant) to result in a

beautiful, gem-quality pearl, the size of the nucleus

is of no consequence to beauty or durability.


Pearls can come from either salt or freshwater sources. Typically, saltwater

pearls tend to be higher quality, although there are several types of freshwater

pearls that are considered high in quality as well. Freshwater pearls tend to

be very irregular in shape, with a puffed rice appearance the most prevalent.

Nevertheless, it is each individual pearls merits that determines value more

than the source of the pearl. Saltwater pearl oysters are usually cultivated in

protected lagoons or volcanic atolls. However, most freshwater cultured pearls

sold today come from China. Cultured pearls are the response of the shell to a

tissue implant. A tiny piece of mantle tissue from a donor shell is transplanted

into a recipient shell. This graft will form a pearl sac and the tissue will

precipitate calcium carbonate into this pocket. There are a number of options

for producing cultured pearls: use freshwater or seawater shells, transplant

the graft into the mantle or into the gonad, add a spherical bead or do it nonbeaded.

The majority of saltwater cultured pearls are grown with beads.


Regardless of the method used to acquire a pearl, the process usually takes

several years. Mussels must reach a mature age, which can take up t0 3 years,

and then be implanted or naturally receive an irritant. Once the irritant is

in place, it can take up to another 3 years for the pearl to reach its full size.

Often, the irritant may be rejected, the pearl will be terrifically misshapen, or

the oyster may simply die from disease or

countless other complications. By the end

of a 5 t0 10 year cycle, only 50% of the

oysters will have survived. And of the pearls

produced, only approximately 5% are of

substantial quality for top jewelry makers.

From the outset, a pearl fanner can figure

on spending over $100 for every oyster

that is farmed, of which many will produce

nothing or die.


Imitation pearls are a different story

altogether. In most cases, a glass bead is

dipped into a solution made from fish

scales. This coating is thin and may

eventually wear off. One can usually

tell an imitation by biting on it. Fake

pearls glide across your teeth, while the

layers of nacre on real pearls feel gritty.

The Island of Mallorca (in Spain) is known for its imitation pearl industry.

Quality natural pearls are very rare jewels. The actual value of a natural pearl

is determined in the same way as it would be for other “precious” gems.

The valuation factors include size, shape, color, quality of surface, orient

and luster. In general, cultured pearls are less valuable than natural pearls,

whereas imitation pearls almost have no value. One way that jewelers can

determine whether a pearl is cultured or natural is to have a gem lab perform

an x-ray of the pearl. If the x-ray reveals a nucleus, the pearl is likely a beadnucleated

saltwater pearl. If no nucleus is present, but irregular and small dark

inner spots indicating a cavity are visible, combined with concentric rings of

organic substance, the pearl is likely a cultured freshwater. Cultured freshwater

pearls can often be confused for natural pearls which present as homogeneous

pictures which continuously darken toward the surface of the pearl. Natural

pearls will often show larger cavities where organic matter has dried out and

decomposed. Although imitation pearls look the part, they do not have the

same weight or smoothness as real pearls, and their luster will also dim greatly.

Among cultured pearls, Akoya pearls from Japan are some of the most lustrous.

A good quality necklace of 40 Akoya pearls measuring 7mm in diameter sells

for about $1,500, while a super- high quality strand sells for about $4,500. Size

on the other hand, has to do with the age of the oyster that created the pearl (the

more mature oysters produce larger pearls) and the location in which the pearl

was cultured. The South Sea waters of Australia tend to produce the larger

pearls; probably because the water along the coast line is supplied with rich

nutrients from the ocean floor. Also, the type of mussel common to the area

seems to possess a predilection for producing comparatively large pearls.


Historically, the world’s best pearls came from the Persian Gulf, especially

around what is now Bahrain. The pearls of the Persian Gulf were natural

created and collected by breath-hold divers. The secret to the special luster of

Gulf pearls probably derived from the unique mixture of sweet and salt water

around the island. Unfortunately, the natural pearl industry of the Persian Gulf

ended abruptly in the early 1930’s with the discovery of large deposits of

oil. Those who once dove for pearls sought prosperity in the economic boom

ushered in by the oil industry. The water pollution resulting from spilled oil

and indiscriminate over-fishing of oysters essentially ruined the once pristine

pearl producing waters of the Gulf. Today, pearl diving is practiced only as

a hobby. Still, Bahrain remains one of the foremost trading centers for high

quality pearls. In fact, cultured pearls are banned from the Bahrain pearl

market, in an effort to preserve the location’s heritage. Nowadays, the largest

stock of natural pearls probably resides in India. Ironically, much of India’s

stock of natural pearls came originally from Bahrain. Unlike Bahrain, which

has essentially lost its pearl resource, traditional pearl fishing is still practiced

on a small scale in India.


1 A

【原文参考依据-A】第2句话 the pearl was the favored gem of th wealthy during the Roman Empire.在罗马帝国时代,珍珠是深受富人喜爱的宝物。

2 E

【原文参考依据-E】第一句话Regardless of the method used to acquire a pearl,the process usually takes several years.不管用什么方法去获取珍珠,这个过程通常需要几年。所以对应题干中的difficulties.

3 F

4 C

【原文参考依据-c】第一句话The only difference natural pearls and cultured pearls is that the irrtant is a surfically implanted bead or piece of shell called Mother of Pearl.天然珍珠和人工养殖珍珠的唯一差别在于人工养殖珍珠的刺激物是一个通过外科手术植入的珠子或者小块的壳,被称作珍珠母。


【原文参考依据-A】第四句话Roman women wore pearls to bed so they could be reminded of their wealth immediately upon waking up.罗马女人还戴着珍珠上床睡觉,这样她们一觉醒来看到珍珠的时候,马上就能看到自己是多么的富有。

6 J【原文参考依据-A】第6句话 In the orient and PersiaEmpire,pearls were ground into powders to cure anything from heart disease to epilepsy,with possible aphrodisiac as well.在亚洲和波斯特帝国,珍珠被磨成珍珠粉用来治疗从心脏病到癫痫的各种疾病。

7 K【原文参考依据-F】The Island of Mallorca (inSpain)is known for its imitation pearl industry.西班牙的马略卡岛以生产人造珍珠首饰而著名

8F【原文参考依据-F 】Among cultured pearls ,Akoya pearls from Japan are some of the most lustrous.产自日本的珍珠是所有人工养殖珍珠中光泽度最亮的一种。

9C【原文参考依据-F】 倒数第二句 The South Sea waters of Australia tend to produce the large pearls;probably because the water along the coast line is suppliced with rich nutrients from the ocean floor.产自澳大利亚的南海海域的珍珠个头一般更大。

10 D 【原文参考依据-G 末句】Unlike Bahrain,which has essentially lost its pearl resource ,traditional pearl fishing is still practiced on a small in India. 在印度,小规模的传统潜水收集珍珠作业仍然存在。

11 TRUE【原文参考依据-C 】第三句话The resulting core is,therefore,much larger than in a natural pearl.因此,人工养殖珍珠的内核比天然珍珠要大。

12 FALSE 【原文参考依据- F第10句话】In general,cultured pearls are less valuable than natural pearls, whereas imitation pearls almost have no value.总体来说,人工养殖珍珠的价值比不过天然珍珠,而人造珍珠就更没有价值可言了。题目中说养殖的珍珠和天然的珍珠价值是一样的 显然是错误的,所以答案是False.

13 TRUE 【原文参考依据- F 倒数第2句话】 he South Sea waters of Australia tend to produce the large pearls;probably because the water along the coast line is suppliced with rich nutrients from the ocean floor.产自澳大利亚的南海海域的珍珠个头一般更大。





比如剑桥6的67页的list of headings 的 key point 2 的首句中managers should ensure that all employees have specific goals and receive comments on how well they are doing in those goals. 与之相对应的答案是establish targets and give feedback 同意词组为:have specific goals等于establish targets,receive comments on how well they are doing in those goals等于give feedback。

雅思阅读技巧锦囊二:ability to paraphrase


例如:剑桥6的43页的判断题10. Cities with high level of bicycles usage can be efficient even when public transport is only averagely good. 很多孩子看见only习惯性判为NO。因为太绝对了。实则不然,答案为YES。对应于原文中two most ‘bicycle friend’ cities considered—Amsterdam and Copenhagen—were very efficient, even though their public transport systems were ‘ reasonable but special.








因此,建议想要取得高分的学员,在掌握每种题型的解题技巧的同时,还需要研究的是考试的出题角度,仔细研究各种题型考察的是何种能力。然后有针对性的去锻炼这方面的能力。的雅思阅读考试中,所占比重最大的几类题型为细节配对题、是非无判断题、选择题。之前常考的 List of headings对在去年的考试中所占比例并不大。14年几乎每场考试都有细节配对题出现,那么其实可以反映出雅思考试更加注重考生的细节定位能力以及对于材料的理解能力。











雅思阅读动植物类真题及答案:The Pearl


Reading Passage 1

Title:村庄储存雨水的活动 Rainwater harvesting (旧)

Question types:Short Answer Questions 6




Rainwater harvesting

For two years southern Sri Lanka suffered a prolonged drought, described by locals as “the worst in 50 years”. Some areas didn't see a successful crop for four or five consecutive seasons. Livestock died,water in wells dropped to dangerously low levels, children were increasingly malnourished and school attendance has fallen. Anestimated 1.6 million people were affected.

A Muthukandiya is a village in Moneragaladistrict, one of the drought-stricken areas in the “dry zone” of southern Sri Lanka (斯里兰卡), where half the country's population of18 million lives. Rainfall in the area varies greatly from year to year, often bringing extreme dry spells in between monsoons (季风).But this drought was much worse than usual. Despite some rain inNovember, only half of Moneragala's 1,400 tube wells were in workingorder by March. The drought devastated supplies of rice and freshwaterfish, the staple diet of inland villages. Many local industries closed downand villagers headed for the towns in search of work.

B The villagers of Muthukandiya arrived in the 1970s as part of agovernment resettlement scheme. Each family was given six acres of land,with no irrigation system. Because crop production, which relies entirelyon rainfall, is insufficient to support most families, the village economyrelies on men and women working as day-labourers in nearby sugar-caneplantations. Three wells have been dug to provide domestic water, butthese run dry for much of the year. Women and children may spendseveral hours each day walking up to three miles (five kilometres) to fetchwater for drinking, washing and cooking.




1. What is the major way for local people make barely a support of living in Muthukandiya village?

Crop production B段第三行

2. Where can adult workers make extra money from in daytime?

Sugar-cane plantations

3. What have been dug to supply water for daily household life?

Three wells

4. In which year did the plan of a new project to lessen the effect of drought begin?

5. Where do the gutters and pipes collect rainwater from?

roofs of houses

6. What help family obtain more water for domestic needs than those relying on only wells and ponds?

Storage tanks


7. NG

Most of the government's actions and other programs have somewhat failed.

8. YES

Masons were trained for the constructing parts of the rainwater harvesting system.

9. NO

The cost of rainwater harvesting systems was shared by local villagers and the local government.

10. YES

Tanks increase both the amount and quality of the water for domestic use.

11. NO

To send her daughter to school, a widow had to work for a job in rainwater harvesting scheme.


Households benefited began to pay part of the maintenance or repairs.


Training two masons at the same time is much more preferable to training single one.

14. NO

Other organizations had built tanks larger in size than the tanks built in Muthukandya.




“Research in Britain has shown that “green consumers” continue to flourish as a significant group amongst shoppers. This suggests that politicians who claim environmentalism is yesterday’s issue may be seriously misjudging the public mood.” Based upon this passage, you will never be asked a question like:“There has been a continued presence of “green consumers” in the British market because of …”

A. the rise of the Green party.

B. Concern with global warming

C. Fear of Mad Cow Disease

D. Concern with general state of environment


“Politicians may have “misjudged the public mood” because…”

A. they are pre-occupied with the recession and financial problems.

B. There is more widespread interest in the environmental agenda than they anticipated.

C. Consumer spending has increased significantly as a result of “green” pressure.

D. Shoppers are displeased with government policies on a range of issues.












Multiple Choice;Short-answer questions;Sentence Completion;Notes, Summary or Table/Flow-chart Completion;Labelling a Diagram;Headings;Locating Information;Identification of Writer’s Views/Claims or of Information in a Text;Classification;Matching。






雅思阅读真题及答案:rainwater harvesting


雅思阅读自然地理类真题:A New Ice Age

A New Ice Age


William Curry is a serious, sober climate scientist, not an art critic .But he has

spent a lot of time perusing Emanuel Gottlieb Leutze’s famous painting “George

Washington Crossing the Delaware,” which depicts (v. 描绘)a boatload of

colonial American soldiers making their way to attack English and Hessian

troops the day after Christmas in 1776. “Most people think these other guys in

the boat are rowing, but they are actually pushing the ice away,” says Curry,

tapping his finger on a reproduction of the painting. Sure enough, the lead

oarsman is bashing the frozen river with his boot. “I grew up in Philadelphia.

The place in this painting is 30 minutes away by car. I can tell you, this kind of

thing just doesn’t happen anymore.”


But it may again soon. And ice-choked scenes, similar to those immortalized

by the 16th-century Flemish painter Pieter Brueghel the Elder, may also return

to Europe. His works, including the 1565 masterpiece “Hunters in the Snow,”

make the now-temperate European landscapes look more like Lapland. Such

frigid settings were commonplace during a period dating roughly from 1300

to 1850 because much of North America and Europe was in the throes of a

little ice age. And now there is mounting evidence that the chill could return. A

growing number of scientists believe conditions are ripe for another prolonged

cooldown, or small ice age. While no one is predicting a brutal ice sheet like

the one that covered the Northern Hemisphere with glaciers (n. 冰川)about

12,000 years ago, the next cooling trend could drop average temperatures

5 degrees Fahrenheit over much of the United States and 10 degrees in the

Northeast, northern Europe, and northern Asia.

C “It could happen in 10 years,” says Terrence Joyce, who chairs the Woods Hole

Physical Oceanography Department. “Once it does, it can take hundreds of

years to reverse.” And he is alarmed that Americans have yet to take the threat



A drop of 5 to 10 degrees entails much more than simply bumping up the

thermostat and carrying on. Both economically and ecologically, such quick,

persistent chilling could have devastating consequences. A report titled

“Abrupt Climate Change: Inevitable Surprises,” produced by the National

Academy of Sciences, pegged the cost from agricultural losses alone at $100

billion to $250 billion while also predicting that damage to ecologies could be

vast and incalculable. A grim sampler: disappearing forests, increased housing

expenses, dwindling freshwater, lower crop yields (n. 产量),and accelerated

species extinctions.


Political changes since the last ice age could make survival far more difficult

for the world’s poor. During previous cooling periods, whole tribes simply

picked up and moved south, but that option doesn’t work in the modern, tense

world of closed borders. “To the extent that abrupt climate change may cause

rapid and extensive changes of fortune for those who live off the land, the

inability to migrate may remove one of the major safety nets for distressed

people,” says the report.


But first things first. Isn’t the earth actually warming? Indeed it is, says Joyce.

In his cluttered office, full of soft light from the foggy Cape Cod morning,

he explains how such warming could actually be the surprising culprit of the

next mini-ice age. The paradox is a result of the appearance over the past 30

years in the North Atlantic of huge rivers of fresh water the equivalent of a

10-foot-thick layer-mixed into the salty sea. No one is certain where the fresh

torrents are coming from, but a prime suspect is melting (adj. 融化的)Arctic

ice, caused by a buildup of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that traps solar


G The freshwater trend is major news in ocean-science circles. Bob Dickson,

a British oceanographer who sounded an alarm at a February conference in

Honolulu, has termed the drop in salinity and temperature in the Labrador

Sea— a body of water between northeastern Canada and Greenland that

adjoins the Atlantic”arguably the largest full-depth changes observed in the

modern instrumental oceanographic record.”


The trend ( n. 趋势)could cause a little ice age by subverting the northern

penetration of Gulf Stream waters. Normally, the Gulf Stream, laden with

heat soaked up in the tropics, meanders up the east coasts of the United States

and Canada. As it flows northward, the stream surrenders heat to the air.

Because the prevailing North Atlantic winds blow eastward, a lot of the heat

wafts to Europe. That’s why many scientists believe winter temperatures on

the Continent are as much as 36 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than those in

North America at the same latitude. Frigid Boston, for example, lies at almost

precisely the same latitude as balmy Rome. And some scientists say the heat

also warms Americans and Canadians. “It’s a real mistake to think of this

solely as a European phenomenon,” says Joyce.


Having given up its heat to the air, the now-cooler water becomes denser and

sinks into the North Atlantic by a mile or more in a process oceanographers

call thermohaline circulation. This massive

column of cascading cold is the main

engine powering a deepwater current called

the Great Ocean Conveyor that snakes

through all the world’s oceans. But as the North Atlantic fills with freshwater,

it grows less dense, making the waters carried northward by the Gulf Stream

less able to sink. The new mass of relatively freshwater sits on top of the

ocean like a big thermal blanket, threatening the thermohaline circulation.

That in turn could make the Gulf Stream slow or veer southward. At some

point, the whole system could simply shut down, and do so quickly. “There is

increasing evidence that we are getting closer to a transition point, from which

we can jump to a new state. Small changes, such as a couple of years of heavy

precipitation or melting ice at high latitudes, could yield a big response,” says

Joyce. Model of Pure Thermohaline Circulation


“You have all this freshwater sitting at high latitudes, and it can literally take

hundreds of years to get rid of it,” Joyce says. So while the globe as a whole

gets warmer by tiny fractions of 1 degree Fahrenheit annually, the North

Atlantic region could, in a decade, get up to 10 degrees colder. What worries

researchers at Woods Hole is that history is on the side of rapid shutdown.

They know it has happened before.







similarly, be similar to, as, like, alike,likewise, corresponding to, equal, identical, same, by the same token, the same is true of , in the same way, resemble,agree,share,harmony,compare to/with …, comparable

例题1 题目 C521 Q1 填空

Some plastics behave in a similar way to __________ in that they melt under heat and can be moulded into new forms.

文章 P2

Some are ‘thermoplastic’, which means that, like candlewax, they melt when heated and can be reshaped.

翻译 :



定位后,利用题中类比词in a similar way to, 可以找到文中对应词like, 也就是统一替换,答案就是candlewax了。

例题2 题目 C442 Q27 填空

However, as archaeologists do not try to influence human behaviour, the writer compares their style of working to that of a __________.

文章 Last Paragraph:

The objects the archaeologists discover, on the other hand, tell us nothing directly in themselves. In this respect, the practice of the archaeologist is rather like that of the scientist, who collects data, conducts experiments, formulates a hypothesis, tests the hypothesis against more data…

翻译 :

另一方面,考古学家发现的这些物体本身并没有告诉我们什么。 从这个方面说来,考古学家的实践经历跟科学家非常像,他们收集数据,操作实验,制定假说,用假说检验更多的数据。


审题时重点关注题中类比词compare ... to …,定位后,可以找到文中替换词rather like, 答案即 scientist。

例题3 题目 C10’11 Q11 表格填空

Looks more like a __________ than a well.

文章 :

It actually resembles a tank (kund means reservoir or pond) rather than a well, but displays the hallmarks of step well architecture, including four sides of steps that decend to the bottom in a stunning geometrical formation.

翻译 :



审题时关注类比词like,定位后,发现resemble,意思相当于look like, 答案呼之欲出 tank.


while, however, nevertheless,otherwise,whereas, in contrast, on the contrary, rather than, instead of, conversely, unlike,different, incompatible, conflicting, change, vary, in opposition to, distinguish...from.. ,be distinct from sth…

例题1 题目 C10’23 Q37 判断

The approach of art historians conflicts with that of art museums.

文章 :

Consequently, the dominant critical approach becomes that of the art historian, a specialised academic approach devoted to discovering the meaning of art within the cultural context of its time. This is in perfect harmony with the museum’s function.

翻译 :

因此,主流的批判方法成为艺术史学家的批判方式,这是一种专门的学术方法,致力于发现在当时的文化背景下艺术的意义。 这与博物馆的功能达到了完美一致。


审题时获取考点词conflict,正是对比连接词,定位后发现in harmony with,意思是“与……协调、一致”,所以二者并非矛盾,而是一致的,因此答案选NO。


题目 C11’32 Q18 判断

Dingle’s aim is to distinguish between the migratory behaviours of different species.

文章 :

The value of his definition, Dingle argues, is that it focuses attention on what the phenomenon of wildebeest migration shares with the phenomenon of the aphids, and therefore helps guide researchers towards understanding how evolution has produced them all.

翻译 :



审题关注到判断题对比词aim is to distinguish, 定位后,对应到原文中的focuses attention on,发现类比词share,表示“共享,公用”,与题目的distinguish“区分”意思冲突,所以答案选择FALSE。











雅思阅读自然地理类真题:A New Ice Age




Don’t wash those fossils!

Standard museum practice can wash away DNA.

1. Washing, brushing and varnishing fossils — all standard conservation treatments used by many fossil hunters and museum curators alike — vastly reduces the chances of recovering ancient DNA.

2. Instead, excavators should be handling at least some of their bounty with gloves, and freezing samples as they are found, dirt and all, concludes a paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences today.

3. Although many palaeontologists know anecdotally that this is the best way to up the odds of extracting good DNA, Eva-Maria Geigl of the Jacques Monod Institute in Paris, France, and her colleagues have now shown just how important conservation practices can be. This information, they say, needs to be hammered home among the people who are actually out in the field digging up bones.

4. Geigl and her colleagues looked at 3,200-year-old fossil bones belonging to a single individual of an extinct cattle species, called an aurochs. The fossils were dug up at a site in France at two different times — either in 1947, and stored in a museum collection, or in , and conserved in sterile conditions at -20 oC.

5. The team’s attempts to extract DNA from the 1947 bones all failed. The newly excavated fossils, however, all yielded DNA.

6. Because the bones had been buried for the same amount of time, and in the same conditions, the conservation method had to be to blame says Geigl. As much DNA was degraded in these 57 years as in the 3,200 years before, she says.

Wash in, wash out

7. Because many palaeontologists base their work on the shape of fossils alone, their methods of conservation are not designed to preserve DNA, Geigl explains.

8. The biggest problem is how they are cleaned. Fossils are often washed together on-site in a large bath, which can allow water — and contaminants in the form of contemporary DNA — to permeate into the porous bones. Not only is the authentic DNA getting washed out, but contamination is getting washed in, says Geigl.

9. Most ancient DNA specialists know this already, says Hendrik Poinar, an evolutionary geneticist at McMaster University in Ontario, Canada. But that doesn’t mean that best practice has become widespread among those who actually find the fossils.

10. Getting hold of fossils that have been preserved with their DNA in mind relies on close relationships between lab-based geneticists and the excavators, says palaeogeneticist Svante P bo of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany. And that only occurs in exceptional cases, he says.

11. P bo’s team, which has been sequencing Neanderthal DNA, continually faces these problems. When you want to study ancient human and Neanderthal remains, there’s a big issue of contamination with contemporary human DNA, he says.

12. This doesn’t mean that all museum specimens are fatally flawed, notes P bo. The Neanderthal fossils that were recently sequenced in his own lab, for example, had been part of a museum collection treated in the traditional way. But P bo is keen to see samples of fossils from every major find preserved in line with Geigl’s recommendations — just in case.

Warm and wet

13. Geigl herself believes that, with cooperation between bench and field researchers, preserving fossils properly could open up avenues of discovery that have long been assumed closed.

14. Much human cultural development took place in temperate regions. DNA does not survive well in warm environments in the first place, and can vanish when fossils are washed and treated. For this reason, Geigl says, most ancient DNA studies have been done on permafrost samples, such as the woolly mammoth, or on remains sheltered from the elements in cold caves — including cave bear and Neanderthal fossils.

15. Better conservation methods, and a focus on fresh fossils, could boost DNA extraction from more delicate specimens, says Geigl. And that could shed more light on the story of human evolution.

(640 words nature )


Palaeontologists 古生物学家

Aurochs 欧洲野牛

Neanderthal (人类学)尼安德特人,旧石器时代的古人类。

Permafrost (地理)永冻层

Questions 1-6

Answer the following questions by using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

1. How did people traditionally treat fossils?

2. What suggestions do Geigl and her colleagues give on what should be done when fossils are found?

3. What problems may be posed if fossil bones are washed on-site? Name ONE.

4. What characteristic do fossil bones have to make them susceptible to be contaminated with contemporary DNA when they are washed?

5. What could be better understood when conservation treatments are improved?

6. The passage mentioned several animal species studied by researchers. How many of them are mentioned?

Questions 7-11

Do the following statements agree with the information given in the passage? Please write

TRUE if the statement agrees with the writer

FALSE if the statement does not agree with the writer

NOT GIVEN if there is no information about this in the passage

7. In their paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , Geigl and her colleagues have shown what conservation practices should be followed to preserve ancient DNA.

8. The fossil bones that Geigl and her colleagues studied are all from the same aurochs.

9. Geneticists don’t have to work on site.

10. Only newly excavated fossil bones using new conservation methods suggested by Geigl and her colleagues contain ancient DNA.

11. Paabo is still worried about the potential problems caused by treatments of fossils in traditional way.

Questions 12-13

Complete the following the statements by choosing letter A-D for each answer.

12. This information in paragraph 3 indicates:

[A] It is critical to follow proper practices in preserving ancient DNA.

[B] The best way of getting good DNA is to handle fossils with gloves.

[C] Fossil hunters should wear home-made hammers while digging up bones.

[D] Many palaeontologists know how one should do in treating fossils.

13. The study conducted by Geigl and her colleagues suggests:

[A] the fact that ancient DNA can not be recovered from fossil bones excavated in the past.

[B] the correlation between the amount of burying time and that of the recovered


[C] the pace at which DNA degrades.

[D] the correlation between conservation practices and degradation of DNA.

Suggested answers and explanations1. washing, brushing, varnishing 见第一段。

2. handling with gloves / freezing samples ( any one of the two ) 见第二段。

3. losing authentic DNA / being contaminated / contamination ( any one of the three) 见第八段 Not only is the authentic DNA getting washed out, but contamination is getting washed in (答being contaminated或 contamination比较保险)

4. they are porous porous 的意思是多孔的。见第八段 。。。 which can allow water — and contaminants in the form of contemporary DNA — to permeate into the porous bones.

5. human evolution 见第十五段。其中shed light on sth的意思是使某事显得非常清楚,使人了解某事。

6. 4 分别为第四段的an extinct cattle species, called an aurochs,即欧洲野牛,已经绝迹;第十一段 Neanderthal, 是人类学用语,尼安德特人,旧石器时代的古人类;第十四段woolly mammoth和cave bear,其中mammoth是猛犸,一种古哺乳动物。

7. T 见第二段。

8. T 见第四段 Geigl and her colleagues looked at 3,200-year- old fossil bones belonging to a single individual of an extinct cattle species, called an aurochs. 即他们研究的骨化石是一头欧洲野牛身上的。

9. NG

10. F 见第十二段第一、二句话。

11. T 见第十二段末句 But P bo is keen to see samples of fossils from every major find preserved in line with Geigl’s recommendations — just in case. 意即为保险起见,Paabo还是非常希望见到用Geigl建议的'方法保存的化石样本。just in case 的意思是以防万一,就是Paabo对用传统保存处理的化石不放心的意思。

12. A 见第三段。This information就是前一句中 。。。 just how important conservation practices can be (to preserve good DNA)。be hammered之中hammer一词的意思是不断重复强调。

13. D 面信息。需要理解文章各处关于Geigl和她的同事所作的研究。


雅思阅读真题答案:龙涎香 Ambergris

文章标题    Ambergris 龙涎香     文章大意    关于ambergris龙涎香和amber琥珀

第一段说 ambergris这个东西很久以前就有了,然后说ambergris的用途有 for medicine, spice,用来制作perfume 什么的等等(有题,matching) 然后说但是人们不知道它是从哪里来的,再就是说在古代it worth in weight in gold,当然是贵了。

第二段说 以前人们一直把ambergris和amber当作一种东西。但是有个叫Dick的作者 写了一本书 讲了这两个东西的区别(有题,matching)说ambergris 通常发现在海面或者shore,但是仍然不知道是从哪里来的。 Amber是一种什么东西,与松树pine有关,   然后说了amber的一些特性 hard,transparent, 等等,用来做装饰品, 头饰什么的,  同样 very costly。(有题,matching)

第三段说ambergris是与sperm whale的intestine肠子里的消化digest 某种东西有关。以为intestine会有题,结果没有,提到了马可波罗,好像与这个发现有关(没题,当笑话好了)

第四段就是具体describe ambergris的产生过程了。(summary 题)大意是,sperm whale吃一种东西 叫 beaks of squalid, 肠子就有助消化,但是不能完全消化,就转化成了另一种东西,应该是体内的垃圾。这种垃圾是soft的,会被sperm whale 呕吐出来 be vomited up。 然后这种东西遇到空气就会变硬 harden, 于是就形成了 ambergris了,也解释了为什么ambergris总在海面和shore被发现。

第五段 说人们为了获得ambergris而捕杀sperm whale 导致了濒临灭绝。给了一个数据 说in 20th century, 90% ambergris was made in the processing of killing sperm whale。(有题, TFNG)ambergris was still the most expensive product in the whole body of sperm whale,大意是这样的。 于是人们就开始采取措施保护sperm whale, 在工业生产中采用了很多ambergris的替代品,例如香水制造业中就用了某种东西,代替了ambergris。

第六段 说 sperm whale的数量会有recover的那么一天,没题。    题目类型    Matching


T/F/NG    参考答案    Matching

A only ambergris

B only amber

C both

D neither

·very expensive   C

·use in medicine   A

·use as currency  D

·refers to in a Book written by Dick _x  C

·could be seen through    B Summary填空


·sperm whale 吃下去 beaks of squalid,

·_x be vomited up,

·hardens when exposure on air T/F/NG

·20th century most ambergris was made in the processing of killing of sperm whale。 T

·Ambergris’s cost increased recently。 NG

·ambergris still remains in the perfume making。 F

·关于保护鲸鱼的 F


但凡接触过雅思真题或曾经亲历雅思考场的考生大多对TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN (另一种写法为YES/NO/NOT GIVEN)的题型颇有印象,原因有二:





理解判断题的第一步是理解TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN的定义,逐一分析如下:

TRUE (YES)的定义为the statement agrees with the information/the views (claims) of the writer,即“此说法与原文信息/作者的观点或主张相符”。这里的重点信息在于agree with的概念,此选项并非要求题干与原文的内容一模一样,而只要符合原文信息即可。

举个例子说明,原文句子说“这个女生长得很漂亮”,那么题干说“这个女生长得很好看”或“这小姑娘长相真是还可以”都是与原文信息相符,此时考生要选TRUE (YES)。

FALSE (NO)的定义为the statement contradicts the information,即“如果此说法与原文信息相矛盾和抵触”。这里的重点信息在于contradict一词:contra是“相反”“相违背”的意思,dict则是“陈述”“说明”的意思。也就是说,应选FALSE的题干与原文信息是相矛盾、相违背、相抵触的,原文中给出的已知信息可以直接或经过合理推理否定掉题干的内容。


NOT GIVEN的定义为there is no information on this/it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this,即“此说法在原文中找不到”或“没法知道作者对此是怎么看的”。许多考生都将此视为最麻烦的一个选项,因为如果不能把整篇文章都看完并且看懂,每个NOT GIVEN的选项都是在惴惴不安的心情中写下的。

NOT GIVEN的情况其实可以分为以下两种:

① 原文中完全没有提及题干所说的相关内容,不过这种完全无中生有的题目比较罕见;

② 原文中提到的相关信息与题干内容不属于同一个范围或性质。

比如题干说“这个女生长得很好看”,而原文中提到的与“此女生”有关的内容是“这个女生是个善良的好孩子,这种情况下,长相和个性虽然都是在描述这个女生,但两者既不一致也不矛盾,此时考生应选NOT GIVEN。




1. TRUE (YES)的出题套路

① 直接说对



比如题干说long-term medical complaints,原文说chronic illnesses,考生就不但要认识long-term与chronic是同义替换关系,而且要明白medical与complaint组合在一起并不是“医疗投诉、医疗纠纷”这类意思,而是作为一个词组表示“疾病”。


② 间接说对

“间接说对”指的是有些题干需要根据原文某句话或几句话进行简单推理或综合理解才能判断其是TRUE (YES)。



例1:The survey concluded that one-fifth or 20% of the household transport requirement as outside the local area. (《剑七》Test 2 Passage 3第34题)

原文:Interesting facts regarding transport were found: 95% was on foot; 80% was within the locality; and 70% was related to the collection of water and firewood and travelling to grinding mills.

解析:在定位到的原文句子里,考生虽然不能直接找到题干中的20%,但从原文中可以看出“本地范围内占80%”(80% was within the locality),就可以推断出“本地范围外有20%”,由此得出本题应选TRUE。

③ 复杂同义表述



例2:Nineteenth-century studies of the nature of genius failed to take into account the uniqueness of the person’s upbringing. (《剑8》Test 3 Passage 2第19题)

原文:However, the difficulty with the evidence produced by these studies, fascinating as they are in collecting together anecdotes and apparent similarities and exceptions, is that they are not what we would today call norm-referenced. In other words, when, for instance, information is collated about early illnesses, methods of upbringing, schooling, etc., we must also take into account information from other historical sources about how common or exceptional these were at the time.





2. FALSE (NO)的出题套路

① 直接、明显的矛盾和抵触


例3:Current thinking on humour has largely ignored Aristotle’s view on the subject. (《剑5》Test 2 Passage 2第17题)

原文:But modern humour theorists have settled on some version of Aristotle’s belief that jokes are based on a reaction to or resolution of incongruity, when the punchline is either a nonsense or, though appearing silly, has a clever second meaning.

解析:虽然这道题定位到的原文句子生词很多,句子很长,但是对于“Aristotle’s belief that …”后面的东西考生通通不用看。考生需要弄清楚的是,现在对幽默的研究有没有忽略亚里士多德(Aristotle)的观点,有这个原文中的settle on (选定)就可以直接判断出,题干与原文是相互矛盾与抵触的。

② 间接不明显的矛盾和抵触


例4:The 1993 Sydney survey involved 289 patients who visited alternative therapists for acupuncture treatment. (《剑4》Test 2 Passage 2第22题)

原文:In 1993, Dr. Laver and his colleagues published a survey of 289 Sydney people who attended eight alternative therapists’ practices in Sydney. These practices offered a wide range of alternative therapies from 25 therapists.

解析:很多考生定位到上述原文句子之后,因为在原文句子中没有找到acupuncture (针灸疗法)这个不认识的词而选了NOT GIVEN选项。然而这里的两句话所给出的内容其实是可以否定掉题干的。从原文的意思可知,1993年悉尼调查里确实有289个病人,这些病人接受了八家诊所由25位治疗师提供的a wide range of (一系列)的治疗。换言之,这289位病人接受了各种治疗,由此可以反推知道他们接受的一定不是任何单一的治疗,而题干则说这289位病人接受的都是针灸疗法这一种,与原文产生矛盾,应选FALSE。

3. NOT GIVEN的出题套路

① 原文和题干的描述性质不同

这种出题思路对考生的英语阅读和理解水平要求都较高,因此按照这种思路出的题往往会让考生感到难以判断。举例说明,冷水与热水是矛盾的,因为它们都在描述“水的温度”这个属性;然而冷水与茶水则既不能说一致,也不能说彼此矛盾:这两者一个在说水的温度,另一个则说水的状态,此时考生应该选择NOT GIVEN。请看下面一个例子。

例5:Plato believed humour to be a sign of above-average intelligence. (《剑5》Test 2 Passage 2第15题)

原文:Plato expressed the idea that humour is simply a delighted feeling of superiority over others.

解析:对比题干与定位到的原文,两者确实都是在说柏拉图对“幽默是什么”的表述,但原文说“幽默是感觉”,题干说“幽默是智商”,感觉和智商的性质不同,但并不彼此矛盾,此时考生应选NOT GIVEN。

② 把观点当事实,或把事实当观点


例6:The Lumiere Brothers’ film about the train was one of the greatest films ever made. (《剑6》Test 3 Passage 1第7题)

原文:One of the Lumiere Brothers’ earliest films was a 30-second piece which showed a section of a railway platform flooded with sunshine. A train appears and heads straight for the camera. And that is all that happens. Yet the Russian director Andrei Tarkovsky, one of the greatest of all film artists, described the film as a ‘work of genius.’

解析:对比原文和题干,考生应该明白,原文说“最伟大的导演之一安德烈·塔可夫斯基(Andrei Tarkovsky)认为这部电影是天才之作”既不能等同于题干的“这部电影确实是最伟大的作品之一”,也无法否定掉题干的说法,因此此题只能选NOT GIVEN这项。

③ 把原文里出现的两个没有进行比较的内容放在一起比较


例7:Early peoples found it easier to count by using their fingers rather than a group of pebbles. (《剑6》Test 2 Passage 3第40题)

原文:Counting is not directly related to the formation of a number concept because it is possible to count by matching the items being counted against a group of pebbles, grains of corn, or the counter’s fingers.

解析:此题的题干是将用手指数数与用石头数数进行了对比,然而在定位到的原文中却没有进行此种比较。这种“没有比较的比较”算是比较常见的NOT GIVEN选项的出题套路。











这个问题其实最不应该发生在考场上,却往往是考生容易“大意失荆州”之处。举个笔者的学生曾经产生过误解的例子:“Archaeology is a more demanding field of study than anthropology.” 这个题干原本表达的意思是“考古学是一门比人类学更加艰深的研究领域”,笔者的学生却曾将它理解成“考古学比人类学需要做更多的田野调查”,出现这个问题的原因是考生将field与study之间的那个of看漏了。





通过词的前后缀 (前缀表意,后缀表词性)





E.g:Video recordings avoid these problems to a large extent, but even they have limitations (the camera cannot be everywhere), and …(C4T3P3)


Typically, children do not end up on the streets due to a single cause, but to a combination of factors: a dearth of adequately funded schools, the demand for income at home, family breakdown and violence.(C4T3P1)

冒号后面即为解释说明什么是a combination of factors,或者简单来说就是有哪些factors,因题目问的是孩子们为什么会沦落街头,那在冒号后面就是作为答题的重要依据了。

Chimpanzees have a “play-face”—a gaping expression accompanied by a panting “ah,ah” noise.(C5T2P2)





E.g:Graeme Ritchie, a computational linguist in Edinburgh, studies the linguistic structure of jokes in order to understand not only humor but language understanding and reasoning in machines. (C5T2P2)

本句提到Graeme Ritchie这个人,这个人是谁呢,后面解释说他是a computational linguist in Edinburgh,结合我们所说第一点,不认识computational,但computer应该知道,-al结尾形容词,linguist以-ist结尾,表“...人/家”,后面一个in+大写,猜也知道是地名,所以大概能猜到这个人是电脑方面的一个什么专家。如果能判断到这一点,对后面的判断18题会很有帮助。



E.g:World science is dominated today by a small number of languages, including Japanese, German and French…(C5T2P3)

这个例子比较简单,但是如果真的不认识languages,完全可以通过Japanese, German and French来猜测其意思,一定是上一级词汇,所以意思是“语言”。也就是说看到include,involve,contain,for example,for instance,such as等表“包含、例如”的词时候,若能认识这些词后面一到两个词的意思,会帮助猜测这些词之前的单词意思,一定是这一到两个词的上义词。


E.g:And they are known to have used wooded pulleys, which could have been made strong enough to bear the weight of massive blocks of stone.(C7T4P1)

His talent and devotion to the subject were perceived by his teacher, Thomas Hall, who encouraged him to attend a series of lectures given by the eminent scientist Michael Faraday at the Royal Institution. (C9T1P1)

定语从句本身是修饰作用,但这种句子的修饰其实是在帮助我们理解一个复杂词汇,把不懂得具象化。比如第一句的wooden pulleys不知道,后面大致能明白说是它可以承受巨大重量,那只要理解这个wooden pulleys是个可以承重的东西即可;同理,第二个句子不仅有定语从句,还用到了方法3,Thomas Hall是谁,是his teacher,他怎么了,他鼓励他学生去参加Michael Faraday的课,进一步解释说明了Thomas Hall的身份。



比如在实验类文章中,study不是“学习”的意思,而是“研究”的意思;subject不是“课程、科目”,而是“实验对象”;solution不是“解决办法”,而是“溶液”,比如在C9T1P1中提到purple solution,不可能是“紫色解决办法”吧,所以这里应该明白其有另一个意思。




雅思阅读真题答案:龙涎香 Ambergris




结构:第一段 鹰击长空情愫不灭

第二段 动力滑翔存在缺陷

第三段 遭遇险情才知培训

第四段 特技飞行魅力无限

第五段 Rossy改行亲身体验

第六段 借助翅膀飞行稳健

第七段 即便梦圆恐不多见





定位词:Vandenbulcke, paragraph 3

文中对应点:第三段:Patrick Vandenbulcke

答案解析:题目:以下哪项关于Vandenbulcke的信息出现在第三段?分析:解题的关键在于与此人相关的来自第三段的原文信息。选项A“他险些未能避免一次危险情况”与原文中Another keen paramotorist recently experienced a close call when in the air以及这句话之后的关于事情经过的描述相对应。选项B“他不懂得自己使用的装备”在该段中没有出现。选项C“他没有对当时的情况作出迅速的反应”与原文中I realized I had to get to the ground fast意思相反。选项D“他幸运地得到了所需的帮助”在该段中没有提及。因此,本题答案为A。


定位词:second-hand, equipment, sale

中文对应点:第三段:equipment secondhand, pre-used kit, sale

答案分析:题目:当作者提到一些有待出售的二手动力滑翔设备时,他在强调。分析:选项A“动力滑翔设备供不应求”在原文中没有提到。选项B“动力滑翔设备需要认真测试”在原文中也没有对应的内容。选项C“动力滑翔运动是一项昂贵的兴趣爱好”与本话题无关。选项D“动力滑翔运动是一项可能带来危险的娱乐消遣活动”与第三段倒数第四句However he warns:‘Although it seems cheaper to try to teach yourself, you will regret it later as you won’t have a good technique.’以及最后一句‘Scared myself to death,’the seller reported,‘hence the reason for this sale.’对应,构成同义表述。因此,本题答案为D。


定位词:Lake Geneva, Rossy

中文对应点:第四段:Lake Geneva, Rossy

答案分析:题目:对于在日内瓦湖所发生一幕的描述是为了说明Rossy。分析:选项A“频繁地改变他的计划”在原文中没有提到。选项B“喜欢做看起来不可能的事情”与原文He has always enjoyed being a daredevil showman构成同义表述。选项C“是一个出色的全能运动员”与原文Rossy,who has been labelled‘the Birdman’,...from 1988 to 所提供的信息不符。选项D“对这一地区了解得很透彻”符合题意。


Reading Passage 1




Keep a watchful eye on the bridge

A. Most road and rail bridges are only inspected visually, if at all. Every few months, engineers have to clamber over the structure in an attempt to find problems before the bridge shows obvious signs of damage. Technologies developed at Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico, and Texas A&M University may replace these surveys with microwave sensors that constantly monitor the condition of bridges.

B. “The device uses microwaves to measure the distance between the sensor and the bridge, much like radar does,” says Albert Migliori, a Los Alamos physicist “Any load on the bridge – such as traffic induces displacements, which change that distance as the bridge moves up and down.” By monitoring these movements over several minutes, the researchers can find out how the bridge resonates. Changes in its behaviour can give an early warning of damage.

C. The Interstate 40 bridge over the Rio Grande river in Albuquerque provided the researchers with a rare opportunity to text their ideas. Chuck Farrar, an engineer at Los Alamos, explains: “The New Mexico authorities decided to raze this bridge and replace it. We were able to mount instruments on it, test it under various load conditions and even inflict damage just before it was demolished.” In the 1960s and 1970s, 2500 similar bridges were built in the US. They have two steel girders supporting the load in each section. Highway experts know that this design is “fracture critical” because a failure in either girder would cause the bridge to fail.

D. After setting up the microwave dish on the ground below the bridge, the Los Alamos team installed conventional accelerometers at several points along the span to measure its motion. They then tested the bridge while traffic roared across it and while subjecting it to pounding from a “shaker”, which delivered precise punches to a specific point on the road.

E. “We then created damage that we hoped would simulate fatigue cracks that can occur in steel girders,” says Farrar. They first cut a slot about 60 centimetres long in the middle of one girder. They then extended the cut until it reached the bottom of the girder and finally they cut across the flange – the bottom of the girder's “I” shape.

F. The initial, crude analysis of the bridge's behaviour, based on the frequency at which the bridge resonates, did not indicate that anything was wrong until the flange was damaged. But later the data were re-analysed with algorithms that took into account changes in the mode shapes of the structure – shapes that the structure takes on when excited at a particular frequency. These more sophisticated algorithms, which were developed by Norris Stubbs at Texas A&M University, successfully identified and located the damage caused by the initial cut.

G. “When any structure vibrates, the energy is distributed throughout with some points not moving, while others vibrate strongly at various frequencies,” says Stubbs. “My algorithms use pattern recognition to detect changes in the distribution of this energy.” NASA already uses Stubbs' method to check the behaviour of the body flap that slows space shuttles down after they land.

H. A commercial system based on the Los Alamos hardware is now available, complete with the Stubbs algorithms, from the Quatro Corporation in Albuquerque for about $100,000. Tim Darling, another Los Alamos physicist working on the microwave interferometer with Migliori, says that as the electronics become cheaper, a microwave inspection system will eventually be applied to most large bridges in the US. “In a decade I would like to see a battery or solar-powered package mounted under each bridge, scanning it every day to detect changes,” he says.



1. How did the traditional way to prevent damage of the bridges before the invention of new monitoring system?

A. bridges has to be tested in every movement on two points

B. bridges has to be closely monitored by microwave devices

C. bridges has already been monitored by sensors

D. bridges has to be frequently inspected by professional workers with naked eyes

2. How do the new microwave monitors find out the problems of bridges?

A. by changeling the distance between the positions of devices

B. by controlling the traffic flow on the bridges

C. by monitoring the distance caused by traffic between two points

D. by displacement of the several critical parts in the bridges

3. Why did the expert believe there is a problem for the design called “fracture critical”?

A. Engineers failed to apply the newly developed construction materials

B. There was not enough finance to repair the bridges

C. the supporting parts of the bridges may crack and cause the bridge to fail

D. There were bigger traffic load conditions than the designers had anticipated

4. Defect was not recognized by a basic method in the beginning

A. until the mid of faces of bridges has fractures

B. until the damage appears along and down to the flanges

C. until the points on the road have been punched

D. until the frequency of resonates appears disordered


5. Something circular, appear below the bridge microwave dish

6. Something small, appear along the bridge accelerometers

7. Two things under the bridge and are supporting it steel girders

8. Something under the bridge with a “L” (or “I”) shape flange


9. how is the pressure that they have many a great chance to test bridges C

10. a ten-year positive change for microwave device H

11. the chance they get an honorable contract G

12. explanation of the mechanism for the new microwave monitoring to work B

13. how is the damage deliberately created by the researchers E



Reading Passage 2话题分类



The Future of Fabric and Fiber






20. Barriers

21. Hollow

22. Static electricity

23. Space

24. (待补充)





Reading Passage 3话题分类



Discovering the language families

语言学家 Joseph Greenberg,发现许多语言来自同一个语系。对于这个观点,有人表示反对,他们认为Joseph Greenberg使用的研究方法及数据太过简单,具有偶然性。而另外一些人则对该观点表示认同,并就语言的起源展开讨论。







37. Y

38. Y

39. N

40. NG






体 裁:说明文













Questions 28-31



题号 题目定位词 答案位置 题解

28 when, the furnace, constructed C段

第1行 注意题目要求ONE NUMBER ONLY只能是1个数字。题目均是由特殊疑问词when提问的,所以首先确定答案形式全都是数字,表时间或年代。建议考生可以把全文中所有表时间、年代的数字都画出来,这样就会一目了然,缩小了寻找答案的范围。然后利用顺序原则,细致比较原文中时间点附近的单词是否与题目中的关键词有同义替换表达,进而确定最佳答案。

题目问熔炉的建造时间。题目中the furnace...originally... constructed与原文中C段第1行中的…and built a furnace对应:In 1638, Basil Brooke patented a steel-making process and built a furnace at Coalbrookdale. This later became the property of Abraham Darby.原文表明达比所买的那个熔炉是在1638年被修建的,所以年份1638是答案。

29 when, roads, leading to the bridge, completed E段

第5、6行 题目问通往桥的路何时修建完成。题目中定位词roads leading to the bridge completed 对应原文E段第5行的...approach roads continued for another two years, and the bridge was opened to traffic in 1781.本句中的another two years(又两年)是建立在前文所说的1779年的基础之上的,所以年份1781是答案。

30 when, bridge closed to traffic E段

倒数第3行 题目问桥何时停止运输。题目中定位词bridge closed to traffic对应原文E段倒数第3行的Since 1934 the bridge has been open only to pedestrians.(自1934年以来,大桥一直只对行人开放。)只对行人开放,就表明停止了运输功能,所以年份1934是答案。

31 when, model of the bridge, built G段

第6行、7行 题目问桥的模型何时建成。根据定位词model of the bridge built找到原文G段第6至7行的So in 2001 a half-scale model of the bridge was built...(因此在2001年,1:2比例的铁桥模型被建造。)很明显,年份2001是答案。

题号 题目定位词 答案位置 题解

32 no written evidence, how, bridge was constructed F段

第1行 题目:没有书面证据来证明最初的铁桥是怎样被建造的。

原文:It has always been a mystery how the bridge was built.铁桥到底是如何建造的始终是一个谜。

必要分析:原文中的It has always been a mystery与题目中的no written evidence都指没有证据的未解之进,两者陈述明显一致,互相符合,所以选TRUE。

33 Elias Martin, only F段

倒数1-4行 题目:伊莱亚斯·马丁的画是唯一一幅展现铁桥初建成的新貌的画作。

原文:In 1997 a small watercolour sketch by Elias Martin came to light in the Swedish capital, Stockholm. Although there is a wealth of early views of the bridge by numerous artists, this is the only one which actually shows it under construction. 1997年瑞典人伊莱亚斯·马丁的一小幅水彩画现身瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩。虽然已有众多的艺术家描绘了桥梁初建成的情况,但却只有这件作品描绘了铁桥正在建设中的情景。


34 painting, constructed, two banks C段

第1-5行 题目:图画展示了铁桥是从两岸建造起来的。

原文:Up until recently it had been assumed that the bridge had been built from both banks...But the picture clearly shows sections of the bridge being raised from a barge in the river. It contradicted everything historians had assumed about the bridge... 一直到最近始终有一种推测,桥梁建造工程可能是从河两岸同时开始……但这幅水彩画清晰地显示出,桥梁构件被河上的一艘驳船托起。这颠覆了所有历史学家先前的假设。


35 original bridge, model G段

第6-8行 题目:最初的铁桥及其模型花费了同样的时间去建造。

原文:So in 2001 a half-scale model of the bridge was built, in order to see if it could have been constructed in the way depicted in the watercolour.因此在2001年,1:2比例的铁桥模型被建造,用来验证铁桥是否真的可以用水彩画中描绘的方式建成。

必要分析:题目是在比较最初的铁桥和桥的模型所花费的建造时间。原文提到了模型开始建造的时间,却没有提到建成的时间,所以无法比较是否花费了等量的时间去建造。就此话题,原文中没有任何信息,所以答案为NOT GIVEN。

36 Elias Martin, other paintings I段

第3-5行 题目:人们认为伊莱亚斯·马丁还有其他关于大桥的图画。

原文:It had been drawn by a Swedish artist who lived in London for 12 years and … but perhaps the other sketches still exist somewhere.这幅水彩画由一位旅居伦敦12年的瑞典画家所绘……有可能其他的草图仍然流藏在某个地方。

必要分析:题目中have made other paintings of the bridge与原文中perhaps the other sketches still exist somewhere都指可能还有其他有关该桥的图画,两者陈述明显一致,互相符合,所以答案为TRUE。剑桥雅思G类真题


Questions 37-40



题号 题目定位词 答案位置 题解

37 why, bridge, across the River Severn D段

第1、2行 题目:大桥需要横跨塞文河的原因

原文:...and had the idea of building a bridge over the Severn, as ferrying stores of all kinds across the river...他的儿子,亚伯拉罕·达比二世,作为铸铁业的先锋人物,早就有在塞文河上建造一座大桥的想法,以便把各种货物运过河对岸。


38 a method used to raise money E段

第6、7行 题目:用来筹集资金建造铁桥的方法

原文:Abraham Darby III funded the bridge by commissioning paintings and engravings...亚伯拉罕·达比三世利用绘画和雕刻的佣金来资助桥梁修建……


39 why Coalbrookdale, attractive, iron makers C段

第5-8行 题目:科尔布鲁克代尔地区对铁制造者有吸引力的原因

原文:This led to cheaper, more efficient ironmaking from the abundant supplies of coal, iron and limestone in the area.当地有丰富的煤矿、铁矿和石灰石资源,这使得炼铁的成本降低了, 而且效率更高。

必要分析:此题较难。没有非常明显的同义替换。通过上下文我们了解到,亚伯拉罕·达比搬家的原因就在于他发现来源于煤的焦炭可以替代木炭成为更经济的炼铁燃料。而科尔布魯克代尔地区还有着很多的资源优势可以使炼铁变得成本更低而效率更髙。很明显,这些都是该地区吸引制铁者的原因。文中ironmaking对应题目中的iron makers;the area指的便是Coalbrookdale。39题的信息来自于C段,答案为C。

40 how, sections, were connected H段

第3、4行 题目:铁桥的各部分是如何相互连接的?

原文:Instead it was fitted together using a complex system of joints normally used for wood...与当今的铁制桥梁不同,这座桥的各构件之间既不是焊接而成也不是用螺栓固定,而是运用了一种通常用于搭建木质结构的复杂连接工艺。

必要分析:题目中的were connected与原文中的it was fitted together...joints normally used for wood相对应。40题的信息来自于H段。答案为H。

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